Yes, the Judgment Index™ has been validated in over 30 individual studies including Construct Validity, Face Validity, and Predictive Validity.…
The Judgment Index™ meets the rigorous EEOC standards set by the United States Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for…
The results are not skewed based on any race, religion, disability, age or gender.
Most people don’t easily come to the understanding that judgment can actually be measured. It seems surreal, vague, and philosophical;…
No, Myers Briggs is a personality profile and the MMPI is used to help determine psychiatric wellness. An IQ test…
For most people, the Judgment Index™ takes about fifteen to twenty minutes to complete.
An individual, based on their unique personal value system, ranks two sets of eighteen selections from best to worst. Even…
The Judgment Index™ differentiates itself by having over forty years of clinical experience utilizing the Judgment Index™ and developing a comprehensive…
The Judgment Index™ is very difficult to game. The words and phrases used in the Judgment Index™ give little indication…
Several things usually happen concurrently. Company employees involved in recruitment need only a few hours of training to integrate the…